
  • 你的社会安全号码
  • 你的外国人登记号码(如果你不是美国公民).S. 公民)
  • Your most recent federal income tax returns, W-2s, and other records of money earned. (注意: We encourage you to transfer your federal tax return information into your FAFSA using the IRS Data Retrieval Tool.)
  • Bank statements and records of investments (if applicable)
  • 未纳税收入记录(如适用)
  • 用于电子签名的FSA ID.

如果你是一个独立的学生, then you will also need most of the above information for your parent(s).


2022 - 23 FAFSA

  • 开放日期:2021年10月1日
  • Deadline: June 30, 2023 (to be considered for Indiana grants, the deadline is April 15, 2022)

2023 - 24 FAFSA

  • 开放日期:2022年10月1日
  • Deadline: June 30, 2024 (to be considered for Indiana grants, the deadline is April 15, 2023)


SMWC scholarships are awarded based on information contained on your admissions application, 成绩单和FAFSA数据. A complete list of institutional scholarships can be found on our website.

I have a current student loan from another college; will I be able to defer (stop making payments) when I enroll at SMWC?

As long as a student is enrolled at least half-time they can request a deferment for loans that are in repayment. 学生 should contact their loan servicer regarding deferment information.

I just received my Student Aid Report (results of the FAFSA), now what do I do?

检查报告中的错误. You can make corrections to your report electronically on the FAFSA website or contact our office to assist you with the corrections.


You will need to contact the Department of Veteran Affairs and complete your paperwork with them. 另外, let the 金融援助 Office know that you are a veteran so we can process your aid accordingly.

我的助学金减少了. 你给了我援助,怎么能减少呢?

你获得的援助总是一个估计. Federal and state financial aid laws stipulate that a student cannot receive financial aid over the cost of attendance minus any other aid (also taking into account, 以需求为基础的援助, FAFSA确定的EFC数字). SMWC is obligated to reduce your federal or state aid if outside aid or scholarships cause you to become over-awarded on your federal or state aid. 例如, 如果学生在年中获得了新的奖学金, 这使得学生被过度奖励, then the aid package would need to be reduced to compensate for the scholarship. Had the financial aid office known about this scholarship when the original financial aid letter was calculated, the aid would have been a lower amount in the original letter. 清除超额奖励, 通常我们会先减少联邦PLUS贷款, 然后是学生直接贷款, 在我们审查剩余的补助金资格之前.


学生 are packaged for loan amounts to cover their direct educational costs. The amount of the loan will be determined by the student’s annual and lifetime loan limits. To begin the loan process, the student should accept the loan on his/her student portal.

然后,学生将去 www.studentaid.政府 and complete Entrance Counseling and the MPN (Master Promissory Note). Once you have completed the above processes, the loan will be processed and disbursed.


一旦贷款被处理, the funds are electronically sent to the school and disbursed to your student account. The disbursements dates are determined each year per your program. The loan proceeds are applied towards the charges on your student account. If the loan proceeds result in a credit balance, those funds are sent to the student via check. If the credit is the result of the parent PLUS loan proceeds, 贷方余额将发送给家长.

我父母的PLUS贷款被拒绝了. 我该怎么办??

你的父母应该被拒绝PLUS贷款吗, the Office of 金融援助 can award you additional Unsubsidized loan funds. The amount will vary depending on your grade level and need.


The 注册商’s Office is the designated primary contact point to drop a class. You will need to contact the 金融援助 Office before you drop a class to discuss the ramifications regarding your aid eligibility. You will also need to contact the FA office if you receive Veterans benefits when you drop or add a class(s). Dropping a class could result in the student owing funds to the school.

I need to withdrawal from all my classes, what should I do?

The 注册商’s Office is the designated primary contact point to withdraw from classes. 学生 who withdraw (officially or unofficially) from all of their classes before 60 percent of a semester is completed, 可能需要偿还部分或全部的经济援助. The Federal Return of Title IV formula determines the type and amount of financial aid the student earned and/or the amount and type of financial aid to refund to the various financial aid programs.

I never withdrew, but I stopped attending or submitting assignments, why did you return funds?

学生 are unofficially withdrawn when the institution realizes that the student is no longer attending classes or submitting assignment. 教师 members are required to communicate to the 注册商 the student’s last date of attendance or the last academically-related activity for Distance & 研究生. The 金融援助 office then uses the Federal Return of Title IV formula to determine the amount and type of aid the student earned and/or the amount and type of aid to refund to various financial aid programs.