
Grants are the Building Blocks to Strengthen Our Foundation and Enrich the Future of SMWC

博客 | 04.17.2024

这个故事发表在 2023-24年度报告 of 缟玛瑙Anneau.



SMWC received a total of $2,262,133 in grant funds in 2023-2024.

Indiana Office of 社区 and Rural Affairs (OCRA) grant was awarded to assist with the historic preservation of the Conservatory of Music.
礼来捐赠公司. awarded a grant to enable SMWC to enhance the Science of Reading within the 教育 Department and teacher preparation program.
SMWC received a planning grant through 礼来捐赠公司’s College and 社区 Collaboration (CCC) Initiative, and submitted a $30 million proposal on February 29, 2024.
The USDA awarded a grant to SMWC to establish a Master of Science in 马的研究, 这是印第安纳州的第一个.
SMWC received a grant from the Sisters of Charity to establish the Student Success Center on the second floor of Rooney Center.
A Hulman Family grant was awarded a grant to assist in the development of an equine breeding program to support pre-veterinary curriculum.
The Sisters of Providence Foley Legacy Fund provided a grant to fund the addition of an ADA all-gender bathroom installed in the Conservatory of Music.
Mental Health America of Indiana provided funds through a mental health grant for the Healthy Minds Survey to be conducted with SMWC students, 教职员工.
SMWC Campus Ministries received a grant from the Archdiocese of Indianapolis that funded the Alternative Spring Break mission trip.

Sarah Wurtz Secures Funding for College as Grant Writer

赠款的世界可能会让一些人望而生畏, 而是莎拉·武兹, MA, 格兰特作家和发展专家, it’s a matter of ultimately impacting 圣玛丽森林学院 (SMWC) students and their experience. Wurtz于2023年7月加入SMWC.

“I’ve been in higher education for almost 20 years in a lot of different roles within the industry, ranging from admissions to financial aid to advancement and the registrar’s office. I feel that I’ve gotten a good grasp on not only my skillset but also the institution’s needs. It was a way for me to bring all of my experience together and put it into one project where I work with several different areas at the College,Wurtz说.

研究表明,在上一个财政年度, undergraduate colleges received over $170 million in grants. Wurtz shared how critical grants are to private institutions, 像SMWC, in comparison to public institutions that receive state funding. Grant funding is available from government entities like the Department of 教育 as well as other sources such as foundations and non-profit charities.

Sarah Wurtz,麻萨诸塞州

赠款提供非常有针对性的, restricted resources that allow SMWC to go beyond daily operations and enhance the student experience more than tuition will allow. In just the last decade, SMWC has secured more than $17.拨款700万.

“I think that grants really give us the opportunity to think outside the box. When we think of grants, we may think of one big grant for a specific program. However, its really about how to meet needs that are outside of the day-to-day operational expenses. 在我们的环境中, 我们高度依赖学费收入, 当然, that can’t cover all of our needs – especially to be innovative,Wurtz说.

To give more insight into her search process of finding grants for The Woods, Wurtz shared that it’s all about project management with the combination of breaking language down from the grant applications and multi-tasking. “我很少一次只做一项工作. I also work with a lot of faculty on grant projects. It really is like a puzzle where you need to find the right pieces to answer the questions of ‘What is it that they’re looking for?和“我们能用这个做什么??’, 然后从那里开始, I will pull in the faculty I’m working with so they can get the substantive narrative to what we’re trying to accomplish with the grant – whether it’s programming or another project,她解释道.

Wurtz shared that another part of her search process is maintaining the communication and relationships needed with the organizations that fund many grants the College seeks. “A major factor with grant writing is realizing that behind these grant applications are people that you can have conversations with. It’s important to contact these organizations to make sure that SMWC might be a good fit for applying for a grant and to also ask questions to make sure we have a handle on what we’re applying for. 我是一个终身学习者, and one of the unique things about grant writing is that you learn a lot about different topics that you may not know much about, 所以这对我来说真的很有趣,Wurtz总结道.


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